These are my School Days

These are my School Days

These are my school days, Of fun and play.

When I forget all my inhibitions and fears,
And the pain caused by others¡
The lunches shared under the tree shade,
The angry faces after a tiffin raid,
Walking together in the lunch break,
The difficult sums for homework to take.

Fights with friends and then making up,
Or the time spent in Hindi class doing ¡
Being caught during inspection for long nails,
And trying to defend ourselves with cries and wails.

Long nights we spend mugging for a test,
Trying to do well even in subjects we detest!
Getting anxious and waiting for results,
Feeling happy when teachers praise us.
The tears for having failed a test,
Making up our minds to excel and be the best.
The strong friends who helped us through,
Every darkened corner and nook.

Summer days of vacations, picnics and trips.
What else can I say about this?
They are the most glorious tension free days,
They are my school days.


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