Presentation Tips for Students

Presentation Tips for Students

Making effective presentations in the classroom takes practice, but with some tips you are easily ready for the challenge. 

1. Know you topic
Students usually want to charge right in and start using the presentation software immediately. Do the research first and know your material. Think through what you will present before beginning the project on the computer. Creating the slide show is the easy part. The best classroom presentations are created by people who are comfortable with what they are going to talk about.

2.Use key phrases on the subject
Good presenters use key phrases and include only the most important. Your theme can be huge, but choose only three or four points and made several times during the presentation in the classroom. 

3.Avoid Using Too Much Text on the Slide
One of the biggest mistakes students make presentations in the classroom, is in writing your entire speech on the slides. The presentation is intended to accompany their oral presentation. Written in the form of taking notes, known as bullet points on slides. Use simple language and limit the number of three or four bullets per slide. The space around it will be easier to read.
4.Limit the Number of Slides

Too many slides in a presentation will rush to get through them, and your audience may end up paying more attention to the slide in exchange for what he is saying. On average, one slide per minute is about right on a class presentation.

5.Slide Layout is important 
Make your slides easy to follow. Put the title at the top where your audience expects. The sentences should be read left to right and from top to bottom. Keep important information at the top of the slide. Often, the lower portions of the slides can not be seen in the back rows, because the heads are on the road.

6. Avoid Fancy Fonts 
Choose a font that is simple and easy to read like Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana. You can have a very cool font on your computer, but save for other uses. Do not use more than two different sources - one for headings and another for content. Keep all fonts large enough (at least 18 points and, preferably, pt 24) for people in the back of the room will be able to read easily.

7.Use contrasting colors for text and background 
Dark text on a light background is best. This combination provides greater visibility. Sometimes, however, you may want a dark background for effect, to dazzle the crowd. In that case, make sure that the text of a light color for easy reading in a class presentation. 
The text is often hard to read on textured or patterned backgrounds. 
Keep your color scheme consistent throughout your presentation in the classroom. 

8. Try a slide design template to maintain the consistent look 
When using a design template, choose one that does not detract from its presentation in the classroom. Try before time to ensure that the text is readable and the graphics are not lost in the background.

9.Use animations and transitions with restraint in classroom presentations 
Let's be realistic. Students love to implement animations and transitions of each place they can. This will certainly be entertaining, but the public rarely pays attention to the message of the presentation. 

Apply animations to graphics to make a point, not entertain. Using an animation preset system applies to action titles and points, holding the slide show consistent and interesting. Remember, the slide show is a visual aid and not the objective of the class presentation.


DJones said...

oh these are really practical tips for preparing for presentation. nice share roku box

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