Reading is a Foundation Worth Building

Reading is a Foundation Worth Building

With all the homeschool curriculum choices, the lesson designs, the organization, the planning of the calendar, you know, putting the whole homeschool program together, the time involved, my goodness the time involved, the area of schooling that can not be overlooked is teaching the kid to read. Get them to create lovely reading habits. Reading is the lynch pin of all schooling. When a kid masters reading and gains an enjoyment of this powerful skill, they have built a foundation on which they can learn any subject. When you have learned to read, you explore any subject your mind takes you to. Give it some thought, reading is the basis for understanding any subject matter. Even learning arithmetic is based on the ability to read each chapter and it is instructions. Reading and comprehension is a must. Even beyond the classroom, reading instructions on operating or assembling something, to navigating with a map involves this skill.
"Encourage" is the only word that kids understand. Everyone likes to be praised for successes they have. Your kid is no different. Teaching reading is no different.
In case you are having trouble getting your kid interested in reading, try first to find out what interests them. What you think they ought to have an interest in may not be what they are necessarily interested in. Early on, take them to the library and watch what section and types of books they gravitate to. Keep in mind, I said watch. No need to recommend. 
Also, often overlooked when working with babies and reading is the shortage of vocabulary development. Be sure to merge vocabulary building with their reading and match the kid's vocabulary level with the books you need them to explore. Lots of times babies get discouraged from reading because they get frustrated by not knowing the meaning of words. Vocabulary building is fun and can be comic. Taking words and putting them in to comic and ridiculous sentences helps the kid learn.
Reading is a foundation worth building. A foundation that carries the kid through all subjects, and all their life. Take some time to know how to teach reading. It is a lovely investment.


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